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Showing posts from May, 2020

Timeline and context of the UK government's response to Covid19

On Thursday in Question Time, Sir Paul Nurse was very critical of the government’s handling of the crisis, especially its strategy, transparency and leadership. I would agree. Paul Nurse’s criticism was mainly aimed at the government’s handling of testing, but by looking at the timeline and context you can observe the government will have plenty more to answer for in the future. Here I would like to share with you a timeline of events that shows as clearly as I can make it possible the context of the UK government's response to Covid-19. I have been following this probably a bit more than it would be healthy to anyone but I think it is important not to forget. As usual, each source is included and now hyperlinked to each article. Going forward I really hope that the government listened to Sir Paul Nurse’s advice and applies good strategies, transparency and leadership, especially regarding testing, tracing and isolation which still have many issues of big concern, for ins...